Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 182: My Dream Vacation for Now

The storm hit our area pretty badly on Friday night. I was lucky that I still had power and stayed safe. I drove around the area (since I am a designated driver for my sister and her friend who are in town for two weeks) and I didn't think I had seen so many falling trees and so many intersection w/out traffic light like this. Traffic was jammed because now all the intersection became all-way stop. There were long lines at gas stations. Many stores and restaurants were closed due to power outage. Hope everyone is doing alright.

Anyway, just an hour ago...just suddenly I feel like I want a real vacation for myself the way I want it. Maybe because there are so much work, so much deadline and so much unplanned and demanding things these days. So my drawing today is dedicated to my dream vacation. I just want to paddle to a big open field somewhere where I can just lay on my back, look at a sky, take photos and listen to the quiet surrounding.

I wonder how some people are so selfless and have never put their need before helping others. Don't they feel tired sometimes ? How do they keep their energy high ?

Sorry about the quality of the image. I am staying with my sister this week and not as fully equipped as I am at home.

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