Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 212: Home Improvement in Progress

Finally the dripping stopped...even just a temporary fix. The plumber climbed up the attic from my cloth closet to get to the leaking pipe, then used a rubber piece to cover the leak and clamped it tight.

So I emptied all the bucket earlier this evening.

The permanent fix is to cut that section of the pipe and weld it. This time they will need to cut the ceiling to do the work. Since it's the (condo) association water line The repair needs to be scheduled through the property management company.

The drywall work for the damaged ceiling and wall will have to be scheduled too.

Then I asked the plumber to look at the slow drain problem at my kitchen sink. He found out that my garbage disposal gets rustic. I need to replace it.

And before all these happened I was wanting to redecorate my bedroom and living room. My sofa is on its way.


but it's a good learning experience. Who would have thought this is turning out to be a bigger project than the original plan ?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 211: Water Issue

Yep something leaking at my place. Can't do anything since anything above the ceiling and inside the walls belong to a condo. I have to wait until the management office sends someone in. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 210: American Lotus

Convert my painting into black and white to see how I am doing on the lighting level. (Bad on highlight!) Check out the photos from my paddling trip today at Lotus Blossom in Mattawoman Creek in Maryland

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 208: Blue Tulip

To get the broken and gradient look on watercolor, paint with a brush parallel to the paper and push it around as you can see on the left petal. You get that effect in one layer.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 207: An Eye on Venice

Well...not that I plan to go to Venice. I just found my old sketch of Venice while selecting my watercolor painting to be framed. So I added an eye and literally it's an eye on Venice. What do you think ?

Day 206: Inspired by "Le Moribond"

I just feel inspired by the color, the tone and texture of the photo "Le Moribond" by indiae. I actually enjoy painting the skin part quite a lot.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 205: Painting Practice

Actually I don't know what to paint tonight. So I just browse my watercolor book and practice what an author suggesting.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 204: Sand and Sea

...for our summer spirit which is missing during these couple days in DC area. :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 203: A Lady in Red

I found an old pencil sketch I did a while ago. So I just painted this up. I would love to be able to paint a portrait one day...not the realism style though. I prefer a sketchy style when it comes to portrait. It just leaves some more room to think about while looking at it. I always go back to Alex Powers' Painting People in Watercolor to get inspired. 

Day 202: A Sleeping Cat

I usually avoid painting animals like plague. But I decided to give it a try.
Sorry for the delay again. I fell asleep again. It's raining here and I just loved it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 198: Sis in NYC

Tonight sketch dedicated to my poor little sister whose flight got cancelled...2.5 hours after schedule. Hang in there sis!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 197: Luray Caverns

I took my sister and her friends to Luray Caverns today. So here is my little sketch of it. I promise I'll do a bit better on the project tomorrow. It has been crazy during these two weeks.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 196: Great Falls Race

Today I went to see Great Falls Race. It's an extreme kayak race. This year it's on Virginia Line. Phew! it was great. Now I know that a high brace is quite useful and what the powerful forward stroke really looks like. One of the racer broke his paddle. He basically canoed his kayak through the falls and to the finish line. Very impressive. I had a photo. Please stay tuned!

Today sketch is on a tiny note paper at the hotel where I will stay with my little sister until Monday. And I had the only red pen in my purse. I left my 365 sketchbook and all stationery at home. Sigh~~ But hey I do this w/out pencil line sketch. :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 195: Today, the Reality

I rode a kayak on the rock today.

Ok I capsized once at the most unexpected time and place (right near the shore). And I had to put it up there to empty the boat and got back in.

I took an EZ whitewater lesson today. Whew, what a lesson! Eddy turn was killing me on the first dozens trials. I am not a multi-task person. I can't even talk while driving. I will write about my lesson from today on my paddling blog. So much information to take in. 

Anyway, even it's still a bit nerve-racking and confusing to me the lesson is fun and educational and the view of the river is very pretty and you can't see this from the shore. BUT guess what ?! You can see from my photo page! I didn't expect that I would have a chance to take one. I'll tell you about "why" on my blog. hee hee. 

But I am totally achy and in need of ice cream at the moment. Please stay tuned.

Tomorrow I'll be at Great Falls Race, an annual extreme kayak competition. Umm...of course I'll be there for the photo shooting!

wow busy busy. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 194: Tomorrow

Tomorrow I have an "easy" whitewater kayak class.

My boss asked if there is such an "easy" whitewater.

Brrrr. (Wish me lots of luck!)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 192: Brown on Grey

Just small painting today. Seriously in a rush with my hectic schedule on top of the deadlines.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 189: Watercolor Fire

Dedicated to the hot weather on the East Coast...

Day 188: A Night Kayak Tour at Pohick Bay

...it was really really dark down there that I hardly saw others. (So I followed whoever had light ha ha.)

Do you see me on the drawing ? (^^)

But we saw the sunset and the red moon rose from the skyline. They both were gorgeous. Once I upload the photos and finish writing the blog I'll post the links here.

Definitely do this again. :)

Update: 2012/07/07 Read about my trip here!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 187: Paint on Grey

Sometimes I think I like painting than drawing. Today I picked up the grey paper on the back of my watercolor pad and just paint. 

Day 186: In a rush

In a rush today to meet with a group! But 4th of July firework was great. i will post the photos soon.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 185: One Salty Painting

It's a painting of a dry leaf....but the background got a lot of salt...to get, well...you know, salty affect.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 184: Without Pencil Line

The second half of my 365 starts today. so here is my attempt to draw without sketching any pencil line.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 183: Homewood Suite by Hilton

I guess staying at Homewood Suite by Hilton with my sister who is on her business trip can be considered as my mini vacation. Since my dear little sister needs a ride to her 7-am meeting at her office every day I will be staying with her here and drive her to work every morning. (Ugh, I wish we were still at the old office! It's just 10 minutes from here.) She could take a taxi and get a reimburse but, you know, when you see your only sister twice a year you try to make the best out of that little time you have together.

Anyway, today I spend my free evening sketching the plan of the room we stay. What I like about a hotel is that the room is always so compact but still functioning and organized. Now I have an urge to clean my own place.

My sister and her best friend from work get the connecting room so I have a chance to see the sealed door frame that makes sense. This hollow knock-down metal frame on 4 5/8" thick wall has 2 strips of rubber and felt on all side to seal the sound. Well...I guess my love for architecture is still left somewhere in me. Who would look at door frame when they're on vacation ?!

It's Monday again. Have a happy week!

Day 182: My Dream Vacation for Now

The storm hit our area pretty badly on Friday night. I was lucky that I still had power and stayed safe. I drove around the area (since I am a designated driver for my sister and her friend who are in town for two weeks) and I didn't think I had seen so many falling trees and so many intersection w/out traffic light like this. Traffic was jammed because now all the intersection became all-way stop. There were long lines at gas stations. Many stores and restaurants were closed due to power outage. Hope everyone is doing alright.

Anyway, just an hour ago...just suddenly I feel like I want a real vacation for myself the way I want it. Maybe because there are so much work, so much deadline and so much unplanned and demanding things these days. So my drawing today is dedicated to my dream vacation. I just want to paddle to a big open field somewhere where I can just lay on my back, look at a sky, take photos and listen to the quiet surrounding.

I wonder how some people are so selfless and have never put their need before helping others. Don't they feel tired sometimes ? How do they keep their energy high ?

Sorry about the quality of the image. I am staying with my sister this week and not as fully equipped as I am at home.